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Secret Spy

Bodacious Betty is a secret spy with sexy James Bond vibes, and she has a mysterious package.


Who is the package for? What's inside?


In this act, Betty reveals her secrets to the audience, leaving them wanting Betty to handle THEIR packages!


Are You Ready For It?

What’s behind Betty’s competitive game face?


Are you ready for the sexiness that lies beneath her tough exterior?


In this act, Betty shows all her sides and tames her inner beast.


Fat Bottom Girl

Betty embraces her Bodaciousness in this rhythmic celebration of her voluptuous booty.


She guarantees you'll be marching to her beat by the end of the act!


Too Hot to Handle

A little glamour, a little heat, and a whole lotta booty!


Betty gets the audience sizzling from start to finish with this act that is so hot, she might just take off all her clothes!

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